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As a fully trained and accredited Personal Harmony Coach & Facilitator, I work closely with you to understand your values and the changes required from within to live a happy, harmonious and fulfilled life.


Let the journey begin to explore the 'true you'. 


Values coaching to develop personal harmony within you and with your environment.


Every word spoken, action taken, every positive or negative interaction, is  motivated by a person's values.  In currently changing times, you need certain positive personal values to inspire and cause growth and successfully navigate challenges, difficulties, stresses and change.  The right values will help you connect to what really matters to you and create the future you really want.


Your values form the basis of your beliefs, attitudes and impact how you live your life.  Therefore, a values-based assessment is critical in gaining insight into the true nature of 'you' and what is holding you back from where you can get to.  


Personal Harmony questionnaires are done at your convenience, in the privacy of your own home.  Your level 1 and 2 questionnaires will each take approximately 25 minutes to complete.  Your subsequent evaluation, complete with summaries, graphs and percentage results, combined with a 90 minute de-brief, will inspire you into further growth in each value.  Level 1 reveals a complete picture of you from the core values you hold and live by which define who you really are.  It explores the importance and priority you place on applying these values in living your life.  Level 1 will assist you to move past your fears, self -limiting beliefs and the old habits that hold you back from being the best version of yourself.


Walk on the Beach

Your 'Harmony With Your Environment' questionnaire and evaluation will build on the  revealing insights of your 'Personal Harmony' questionnaire and evaluation.  Level 2 measures 11 values which develop harmony with the larger environment you operate in.  Level 2 will open your mind and challenge you to think differently about your patterns of behaviour.  It will explain how to maximise your strengths and turn negatives into positive thoughts, feelings and actions.  This will enable  you to realise increased harmony with your environment.  Your belief and conviction in what you stand for will show itself and should be  reflected in your personal fulfilment and professional performance.


Personal Harmony questionnaires and evaluations bring a new light  and hope to the way you do things and inspire your growth through higher values and greater harmony.  The more you apply these values, the greater your personal harmony and growth can be.  Your progress towards your goals can be measured over a 6-12 month period to review and reinforce your positive changes and growth, to celebrate the gains you've made and inspire more.





$250 - Level 1 includes:

Core Values Questionnaire, Results & Report

Plus 1 x 60 min debriefing session 


$400 - Level 1 & 2 Includes: 

Core Values Questionnaire Results & Report

Harmony With Your Environment Results & Report

Plus 1 x 90 min debriefing session


Return Coaching Sessions - 60 mins - $100


For further information about Personal Harmony please contact Michelle on 0439035554 or visit for more information or to request access to the Questionnaires.

$100 per session - 1 hr

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